The Conflict with Renamo
«October 1984»

Dossier MZ-0020


1977 1978 September 1981


56. Rumours of a Ceasefire
While Fighting Intensifies

Batalhão de escolta, FPLM

Above: A company from a batalhão de escolta, or escort troops, getting ready to board a train in order to defend it in case of ambush.

Talks in Pretoria involving the Mozambican government, the South African regime and the rebel MNR led nowhere, despite rumours of a ceasefire, or that South Africa was actually going to abide by the terms of the Nkomati Accord. In fact, the armed conflict hotted up, with the FPLM carrying out "a major sweep" around Magude, partly in response to the abduction of two Italians, who were murdered a couple of days later.

Through its tactics of ambushing rail and road traffic, the MNR succeeded in forcing the Zimbabwean government to reroute via South Africa to South African ports, at least temporarily.


Click on the yellow folder image below to download an unsorted zipped archive of documents and press clippings in PDF format concerning the conflict between the Mozambican government and the MNR/Renamo in October 1984.

Zipped file image
